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The Angela Cosmai Salon was featured in November 2021 in the Greenwich Free Press for our Holiday Shopping event!
Lisa Birnbach is the author of the iconic book “The Preppy Handbook” on her podcast “5 Things” In April 2021 Lisa gave a shoutout to her long time hair colorist Angela Cosmai.
The Greenwich magazine in November 2020 featured The angela Cosmai Salon in our Girls’ night out event. together small business in the local area came Together for the event to support one another during the uneasy time of the pandemic. We welcomed in Clients safely and enjoyed, at a distance the Company of others!
Back in June 2020 The Greenwich Sentinel shared The Angela Cosmai Salon’s Story about working during a pandemic. “I want to keep my business going. I love being on Greenwich Avenue, and I love my clients, and taking care of people and making them happy. And also I have to take care of my family, so I’m here,” Cosmai said.
1490 WGCH
Angela Cosmai, celebrity hair colorist, was the guest of the 1490 WGCH monthly radio show On March, 18th 2019 The Angela Cosmai Salon Greenwich is a full-service salon specializing in corrective color and healthy natural-looking highlights, low maintenance haircuts and styling, serving men, women and children all year around.
The New Angela Cosmai salon adds color to the avenue. The Greenwich magazine in April 2018 featured The Angela Cosmai Salon in it’s new location!
Angela Cosmai was featured on News 4 in New York City in August 2010.
“Ever wonder how celebs manage to pull off perfect hair ALL the time, even in the midst of the summer humidity? Watch this segment of Gossip Gram, and you'll learn how they do it! Tune in and find out which products to use to protect your hair from the sun, and which styles are easy to pull off in the summer.”
Angela Cosmai hair color was featured in November 2005 in the WomenFocus magazine on the talented Paula Zahn.
In December 2003 Angela Cosmai was highlighted on the Breaking Travel News! Website.
Angela Cosmai was featured in Nov.2002 for Elite Traveler magazine.
Cut & Color
Angela Cosmai shares her expertise on hair color in the article Nice Shades! in Cut&Color Magazine
NewYork Magazine
Angel Cosmai was chosen Best of New York Hair Colorist in May 1999
Guilty Pleasures
Angela Cosmai in the Guilty Pleasures magazine
Angela Cosmai featured in Vogue Beauty